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Author: whisperboy

Welcome back, everyone. Today, I am sharing something close to my heart. It is a poem that reflects on resilience, growth, and the undeniable truths we all face. It is called “Denial: The Egyptian River.” This is not just a poem; it is a journey into life’s challenges, lessons, and triumphs. And after reading it, […]

Domains & brands Sale Buy a well designed and rare brandwhich will be loved Buy Navigating Comfort, Discomfort, Panic and freeze, fight, or flight zones: I. Exploring Your Comfort Zone: Finding Stability Amidst Familiarity In the vast expanse of personal growth, picture yourself standing within the calming boundaries of a green circle. This is your […]

Your Path to Knowledge and Growth Hey there, fellow seekers of knowledge and adventure! In a world bursting with endless opportunities, there’s an invaluable treasure waiting to be discovered—audiobooks. If you’ve ever felt time slip through your fingers or struggled to find moments to dive into a good book, worry not. The realm of audiobooks […]

Navigating Comfort, Discomfort, Panic and freeze, fight, or flight zones: I. Exploring Your Comfort Zone: Finding Stability Amidst Familiarity In the vast expanse of personal growth, picture yourself standing within the calming boundaries of a green circle. This is your comfort zone, where you find peace, routine, and familiarity. Here, life feels stable, and you […]

   THE BEST VERSION OF YOU 1. “Don’t do good deeds in this world hoping to get something in retun in the afterlife. The next world may not exist, so if you want to do good things, please do them for the sake of being kind and helpful to human beings.” 2. “Accept people as […]

Hi! I hope you’re well. If you’re new here, my name is Cyrus the creator of whisperboy.com. Before we start, please allow me to first clear a few things up just to save you time because your time is your most valuable commodity in life, therefore I do not wish to waste any of it. […]

This week we are talking about making a difference in your world. Whether that be in your business, family, or community, we believe that big change starts with people like you––with leaders like you. In this episode, John Maxwell will share the most important attributes a leader must possess in order to be a difference […]

  For more, visit Thomas Frank’s YouTube Channel. or Thomas’s website.

https://whisperboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Worrying-about-the-past_mixdown.mp4   There is no point in worrying about the past, is there?

People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!

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